Swiss Summer School 2021
«Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry»
Swiss Summer School 2021
«Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry»
13.06.2021 Deadline for abstract submission
28.06.2021 Notification of acceptance with type of contribution (poster, oral communication)
The packages offered include the following services:.
Full board, double room/double occupancy 650 CHF
Single room supplement 200 CHF
Conference Dinner & Award Ceremony 70 CHF
Seminar Fees:
Academic (student / post-doc), SCS member 0 CHF
Industry participants and senior researchers, SCS members 200 CHF
Surcharge for non-SCS members 150 CHF
Certificate of Participation 0 CHF
All prices inclusive of VAT
Attendance at the Conference Dinner is expected as it is part of the seminar program